In this blog, we are configuring CPOS for "Houston
Step 2:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Follow below steps to configure CPOS:
Step 1:
- Go to Retail -> Headquarter setup -> Parameter -> Retail Shared Parameters
- Select "Entity Validation Templates". Click on "Import Default template". After that Drill-down to "template option", select "RetailVal", and click on "Save".
Step 2:
- Go to the Retail > Channels > Retail Store > All Store And select "Houston Store". Click on "Configuration Status". Select "Approve All" and click on "Update".
Step 3:
- Go To Retail > Channel > Channel Deployment.
- In Retail Store, search for "Houston Store". You will find that Progress for Houston store is 100%.
Step 4:
- Click on Registers. Next to that, you will see all the register, which has created all stores. Put the filter on “Houston” on Store Number. After that, you can able to view list Houston Store Registers.
- Select Registers Number “Houston-30” and Open it. Click on "Configuration Status".
- Click on "Approve all" and click on "Update". Once you click on Update, Status will change to "Completed".
Step 5:
On "Register Page" click on "Device" and select "HOUSTON-30".
Application Type of this Device is "Retail Cloud POS". Which means this is CPOS.
Activation status is "Pending" and Validation Status is "Not Run".
on "Validate Devices for Activation".
Step 6:
- In General Tab of Device "Houston-30" copy POS URL and past it in Browser.
- Click on Next Button.
- Server URL, Device ID and Register ID has set by Default base on your Cloud POS Device. If values are not set then set all values according to configuration. Now click on "Activate".
- Once you click on Activate, it will start for activating Cloud POS.
- If an error occurred "DA1023 - Could not resolve external identity" then follow below step:
- You can find "RetailTenantUpdateTool" on your D365 Virtual Machine desktop. Run it as administrator, give your admin credentials. This will map tenant id and external sub identifier of this user to a worker 000160. On Back-end, the database table is "dbo.RETAILSTAFFTABLE".
- Now again activate CPOS. Once it is Activate, you will get message.
- Click on "Get Started". You can able to view Cloud POS Login Screen. Enter Worker user ID and Password to login. For "Contoso", it will be 000160 and 123 respectively.